terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2013

Review: Esmalte Naked da Urban Decay

Bom dia meninas!!

Mais um review, mas hoje é sobre algo que adoro - Esmaltes!
Desta vez a Urban Decay inves de fazer outra paleta NAKED decidiu  arriscar nos esmaltes NAKED!
Eu simplesmente adorei ! Achei lindos e só queria era experimentar! Eles não se cansam de fazer coisas lindas!
As cores são todas inspiradas nas próprias cores das sombras.

Another review, but today is about something that I love Nail Polish!
This time the Urban Decay NAKED palette instead of doing another decided to risk in glazes NAKED!
I simply loved it! I found beautiful and just wanted to try! They don't get tired of making beautiful things!
The colors are all inspired by the color of the shadows themselves.

O swatch que consegui na internet:

Ja quero! ahahaha
beijinhos e ate amanha :)

Liked It?
I want to! ahahaha
Kisses and even tomorrow:)

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